Your Ideas and Wishes for 2022

Here your have the chance to write down your sugestions and wishes how and in which kind of way you would like to see my beauty Lara.


  1. Dear artist,
    congratulations on your masterpiece! Unlike most comic artists dealing with the erotic aspects of the Tomb raider topic you obviously respect this character. In superheroine comic stories Lara Croft is usually depicted as a smart and strong adventuress, unfortunately totally skipping her sex life. In most porn comics, on the other hand, L. C. is usually reduced to a weak and mindless sex bimbo, following a poor and misogynic storyboard of continued rape, torture and submission to monsters or to a "master". In contrast, you´ve found a good mixture of a strong and clever L. C. character and a plot of comprehensible adventure and explicite, ribald sex. Moreover, your Lara Croft is a true beauty. This is exaxctly the right approach to a Tomb raider (porn) comic, at least in my opinion. Great artwork! For the future I'd suggest a story dealing with a true T. R. treasure quest and, of course, lots of erotic and sex.

    I wish you great success and all the best for your artwork!

    1. Hi,

      thank you so much for asking for more of Lara. Be sure there will come more. I know that I haven't uploaded any new renders of Lara. I am very busy with my Casey Reed blog.

      Yes I tried to create my own Lara version. And I am very happy that a lot of peple like it.
      I wanted to create a different version. Also her look should be not the same. I darkened her skin and I am really so happy how she looks now. :-)

      I have a nother Lara story but I have to renders the pics for it. I think you will like it . I hope I can start working on it soon.

      Thank you so much for your feedback.
